SN Labs: December 05, 2022 Enhancements
New Features
Cloud IDE now supports labs with Embeddable AI capabilities
Cloud IDE - You can now embed Watson NLP sentiment analysis in your application
AI is only valuable when used in an application. SN Labs can now be used to learn how to deploy Watson NLP capability as a service and how to call it from your application. By embedding Watson NLP, your application will be able to analyze text in big data in formats including HTML, webpages, social media, and more. Tap into the capabilities of this natural language tool kit to identify concepts, keywords, categories, semantics, emotions, and root forms, performing text classification, entity extraction, named entity recognition (NER), sentiment analysis and summarization along the way.
Simply run
docker run -d -e ACCEPT_LICENSE=true -p 8080:8080
to get your Watson NLP application running. View the API Spec here.